CONDOR COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Predictor
Not all COVID-19 diagnostic tests are created equal. Choosing the most appropriate test for a real-life setting requires an understanding of the test’s probable performance in different situations.
Manufacturers or researchers quote each test’s sensitivity (the percentage of tested samples correctly identified as a COVID-19 infection), and its specificity (the percentage of tested samples correctly identified as clear of infection).
Sensitivity and specificity combined with how common a disease is in the population (its prevalence) can tell us how many people we can expect a given test to correctly diagnose as having COVID-19 or not. For example, the prevalence COVID 19 would likely differ in a football stadium as compared with a hospital intensive care unit.
The COVID-19 Test Predictor (below) allows you to change independently all three parameters, sensitivity, specificity and prevalence, and to see directly what this means for patients tested . In turn, it can be possible to judge which type of COVID-19 test might best suit a particular situation.
Note: you may need to scroll down to see the entire graphic (made in Google Sheets).
Click here for a direct link to the google spreadsheet.
(If you would like to download a non-interactive version click here for a .pdf or here for a .png)